Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors

You might be wondering what is the best way to clean wood floors, the key is to clean them often and carefully. Just imagined all the dust, dirt, stains, and trash you bring in from the outside and if you have children and pets that creates a whole new level of dirt being carried inside the home.

Care and Maintenance for Hardwood Flooring 

Spending hours cleaning can be very frustrating which is why hardwood floors are a great low maintenance choice. If you want to spend less time cleaning use entry mats, which will help to collect the dirt, the sand, and any other substances such as oil that gets stuck in on shoes. 

Removing shoes upon entering your home can also prevent dirt or mud from getting caught onto your floors. Use floor protectors or rollers to minimize any kind of scratches from heavy objects such as furniture. 

Invest in the right cleaning tools

It is important to invest wisely when it comes to cleaning your wood floors. There are countless kinds of wood flooring as well as many great tools and products that will help you accomplish a clean and sanitize floor. Therefore, choosing the right tools will make your life easier. 

Basic and Fastest cleaning for Hardwood Floors

The best and most convenient way to clean hardwood floors is to use a microfiber dust mop to remove any dirt, dust, hair, stains and whatever other elements were brought into your home. Plus, the microfiber dust mop will not scratch your floors at all. You can also vacuum with a floor-brush attachment or an electric broom to prevent any accidents such as scratches.  

Deep dirt Extraction 

Keeping your hardwood floors clean, sanitize and polish is very important because, without it, dirt, and oil settle into cracks and gaps. A deep dirt extraction is always recommended for your floors. Pick a hardwood floor cleaner specially designed for your floor finish. Any pH neutral, non-toxic, biodegradable, and petroleum-free cleaner, will help you get the best results. Be sure to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions before using any product on your wood floors to prevent any major accidents. When using a mop, make sure to moisten the mop in the cleaning product and twist it until it’s semi-dry rather than moping with a wet one. Water is wood’s worst enemy.  Last but not least, remember to polish your hardwood floor once every two or three months to keep your floor looking young and great.

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